3 months from now
About Me:
you can't describe, you just have to get to know me
If I'm momentarily not online, then...:
Sport, Reisen - das Leben genießen ....
What was the best party I ever attended?:
Lass uns doch zusammen die beste Party unseres Lebens erleben ;)
What is my favorite Sport?:
In which city would I like to live?:
Hauptsache Sonne und Meer....
What is my favorite book?:
Der Weg zurück zu mir
How would a perfect date look like?:
Ganz egal was wir machen, hauptsache die Chemie stimmt zwischen uns
What would I love to do at some point?:
Urlaub auf den Malediven
What would I take to a deserted island?:
Vielleicht dich ;)
My dream partner looks like...:
Schönheit kommt von innen
The thing I like most on me...:
Meine offene und unkomplizierte Art
What are my best qualities?:
charmant, diszipliniert, ehrlich, loyal , fair
Which kind of music do I like the most?:
Kommt auf meine Stimmung an
What's my favorite dish?:
What I like most about sex?:
Wenn man auf einer Wellenlänge ist, kann so ziemlich alles geil sein
What do I dislike about sex?:
Perversitäten ... Fäkalien
My most exciting erotic experience::
Das bleibt mein Geheimnis ;)
What do I wish while having sex?:
Das flüsstere ich dir am besten ins Ohr ....
What do I like to try?:
... mit dir ;) ?
My favourite sex positions::
Doggy - Cowgirl
What are my sexual phantasies?:
Vielleiht genau die selben , wie du ;)
What was my most exceptional sex experience?:
Auf einer Intensivstation
What was my hottest experience?:
Wenn du mich fragst, vll verrat ich es dir ;)
What's my job?:
My relationship status::
What kind of pubic haircut do I have?:
Hollywood Cut (completely)
Where is my cam placed?:
living room
When and how often am I online?:
I am mostly online in the evening from 6-9 pm
Do I have body jewellery or tattoos?:
heavily tattooed, intimate tattoo
What do I do in front of the cam?:
chat / flirt, dirty talk
Which characteristics do I have?:
wild, cheeky, faithful, friendly, crazy, enjoying show-off, dirty
sporty, passionate, tattooed