9 months from now
About Me:
Hai, you here too? 🦈 I'm now 24 years old and have been living near Frankfurt for a pair of years now. My hobbies are gaming, mostly Cs2 (Csgo back then) and when I'm not gaming, I either watch one of my favourite series or go for a nice walk in the forest. At the beginning I am a rather shy gaming girl from the side who can be quite crazy once she has thawed out, but is also super sweet. Among other things, I am also a good listener and can also be very empathetic, the perfect mix I would say. 😂🤣 I'll be on cam once a week from now on, depending on how much time I have, so if you feel like it and see I'm online feel free to come in. I won't bite either, I promise! 🤞 Lina - Small
If I'm momentarily not online, then...:
Zocken, Serien schauen, Spazieren gehen :)
What was the best party I ever attended?:
Oh je wie peinlich, aber ich war noch nie auf einer richtigen Party!
What is my favorite Sport?:
Hab ich zurzeit keine
In which city would I like to live?:
Schwierige Frage, ich bin eigentlich momentan glücklich mit meiner Stadt *lach*
What is my favorite book?:
von Dan Brown Sakrileg
How would a perfect date look like?:
Zusammen essen gehen, Spaß haben, lachen und eine tolle Zeit verbringen.
What would I love to do at some point?:
Die Polarlichter sehen
What would I take to a deserted island?:
Unendliches Sushi :D
My dream partner looks like...:
Er sollte gepflegt sein und respektvoll gegenüber seinen Mitmenschen sein; Humor haben und Charmant sein
The thing I like most on me...:
Meine Art mit Menschen zu reden :)
What are my best qualities?:
Ich bin direkt, aber total nett :D
Which kind of music do I like the most?:
Ich höre wirklich fast alles, aber ich habe aber immer Phasen in den ich bestimmte Genre besonders gerne höre :)
What's my favorite dish?:
Sushi, ganz viel Sushi 😂 Hat sich selbst heute nichts dran geändert :D
What I like most about sex?:
What do I dislike about sex?:
Gewalt, Erniedrigung
My most exciting erotic experience::
Sex in der Öffentlichkeit 🙈
What do I wish while having sex?:
What do I like to try?:
Ski fahren
My favourite sex positions::
Mittlerweile lege ich mich nicht mehr auf eine Fest
What are my sexual phantasies?:
mit verbundenen Augen verführt zu werden :P
What was my most exceptional sex experience?:
Es gab bisher noch nichts, wo ich sage das war so heftig und selten.
What was my hottest experience?:
Bisher im Wald 🌳
What's my job?:
My relationship status::
What kind of pubic haircut do I have?:
Hollywood Cut (completely)
Where is my cam placed?:
living room
When and how often am I online?:
Jeden Tag zwischen 12 und 24 Uhr ❤
What do I do in front of the cam?:
chat / flirt, masturbation
Which characteristics do I have?:
romantic, lovingly, faithful, friendly, crazy, enjoying show-off, cuddly
crazy, natural, a Listener