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6 months from now
About Me:
"Hey, I'm Kassia and I live in Munich. " I originally come from a small town in the Czech Republic. Now I have been living in Germany for 6 years. I would describe myself as shy and reserved at first, but after a while I really open up and you can call me a party girl! After I came out of a difficult and long relationship that didn't fulfil me sexually and didn't suit me personally, I came to Germany to start a new life. In my old home town, people were mostly very religious and not very open-minded, so I feel much more comfortable in Germany because I can express myself more here. I hope I can share my journey with you here. So stop by to find out more and be part of my journey of discovery! Kiss, your Kassia
If I'm momentarily not online, then...:
Ich kümmere mich um meine Tochter, treffe mich mit Freunden und gehe gerne ins Gym.
What was the best party I ever attended?:
Auf jede Party auf der ich war hatte ich meinen Spaß. ;)
What is my favorite Sport?:
Kraftsport und Cardio
In which city would I like to live?:
Hauptsache Warm :)
What is my favorite book?:
Hab keins :)
How would a perfect date look like?:
Beim ersten Date schön Essen gehen oder sich bei einem schönem Spaziergang kennenlernen.
What would I love to do at some point?:
Eine Weltreise
What would I take to a deserted island?:
Alles was man zum überleben braucht ;)
My dream partner looks like...:
Größer als ich und der Rest ist mir egal. Hauptsache guter Charakter und einen guten Humor.
The thing I like most on me...:
Meine ehrliche und direkte Persönlichkeit.
What are my best qualities?:
Ich bin Ehrlich und direkt aber auch Süß und Nett.
Which kind of music do I like the most?:
Hip Hop und Rap.
What's my favorite dish?:
What I like most about sex?:
Wenn es mal etwas härter zu geht ;)
What do I dislike about sex?:
Intimbehaarung und Spucken.
My most exciting erotic experience::
Das ist mein Geheimnis ;)
What do I wish while having sex?:
Das man sich für mich Zeit nimmt. :)
What do I like to try?:
Ich hab da so einige Orte an den ich gerne mal Sex hätte ;)
My favourite sex positions::
Doggy und Reiten :)
What are my sexual phantasies?:
Finde es doch Raus! :)
What was my most exceptional sex experience?:
Habe bis jetzt noch nicht so viel außergewöhnliches erlebt.
What was my hottest experience?:
Outdoor ist immer aufregend :)
What's my job?:
My relationship status::
What kind of pubic haircut do I have?:
Hollywood Cut (completely)
Where is my cam placed?:
bed room
When and how often am I online?:
Täglich außer Dienstag und Mittwoch :)
What do I do in front of the cam?:
dirty talk, chat / flirt, masturbation
Which characteristics do I have?:
wild, cheeky, faithful, friendly, crazy, shy, dirty
a Nympho, natural, honest
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