
Model is offline

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9 months from now
About Me:
If I`m online with my cam, you could take a look. Here is a suitcase full of great stuff that will give us horny fun. :) If I'm not online, I`ve uploaded clips & photosets for you. Would be really happy if you could give me a feedback. Positive or suggestions, `cause YOU should like the clips..
If I'm momentarily not online, then...:
Costume and criminals hunt ;D haha
What was the best party I ever attended?:
Shankra Festival in Switzerland
What is my favorite Sport?:
swimming and bed-sports :P
In which city would I like to live?:
no matter, the main thing is fast internet ;)
What is my favorite book?:
The Tell-Tale Heart - Edgar Allan Poe
How would a perfect date look like?:
No cliche, such as a dinner at a restaurant ...
What would I love to do at some point?:
I would like to travel to Mexico, to visit Día de los Muertos. (Day of the Death)
What would I take to a deserted island?:
toys, music and cigarettes :P
My dream partner looks like...:
maintained with tattoos and piercings :)
The thing I like most on me...:
my eyes, tattoos and piercings
What are my best qualities?:
Creativity, Honesty, Tolerance, Openness
Which kind of music do I like the most?:
Rock, Metal, Electro, Techno
What's my favorite dish?:
mango & wathermelone
What I like most about sex?:
hhrhr ^^ the cum :P
What do I dislike about sex?:
NS, KV & extreme pain
My most exciting erotic experience::
During a festival, on the edge of a corn field
What do I wish while having sex?:
... especially, that everyone cum. ;)
What do I like to try?:
My favourite sex positions::
69er, doggy ... actually there is none that I've met so far, I do not like
What are my sexual phantasies?:
Mit einen Mann in ein Bekleidungsgeschäft zu gehen, wo wir die Dessous für mich auswählen. Die Verkäuferin ist so süß und hübsch, dass es uns schon beim hineingehen aufgefallen war. Endlich finden wir tolle und extrem knappe Dessous, die ich gleich anprobieren muss. Er schaut und kommt wenig später hinter mir her. Er platzt in die Umkleidekabine rein, als ich das Höschen, der knappen Dessous, anziehen wollte. Er zieht das Höschen wieder runter und geht mit seinen Kopf zwischen meine Beine. (... ) Die Verkäuferin hört auf einmal, wenig später, verdächtige Geräusche aus der Umkleide und schaut nach. Sie platzt herein und ist schockiert, aber wenige Augenblicke später, konnte man die Lust in ihren Augen sehen. [... ] ... und Ende :P
What was my most exceptional sex experience?:
At a festival was my most exceptional sex. ^^
What was my hottest experience?:
Hihi ... my first time on cam
What's my job?:
My relationship status::
Who am I looking for?:
a man
What do I feel like doing?:
we will see
What are my hobbies?:
Many creative things ... Painting, drawing, modeling, Computer Arts;) ... and much more.
What kind of pubic haircut do I have?:
Hollywood Cut (completely)
Where is my cam placed?:
bed room
When and how often am I online?:
wednesday & thursday: about 7:20 - 9:20pm (CET) sunday: about 2:20 - 5:20 pm (CET)
Do I have body jewellery or tattoos?:
heavily tattooed
What do I do in front of the cam?:
chat / flirt, striptease, masturbation
Which characteristics do I have?:
wild, lovingly, faithful, friendly, crazy, enjoying show-off, dirty
tattooed, natural, a Nympho
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