8 months from now
About Me:
Hello I am Penny You're probably wondering what I'm doing here? I'm not really sure yet, but I'd like to tell you something about myself. I work as an office administrator at the moment, but it's not as fulfilling as I would like it to be. I'm single at the moment and maybe that can be changed here ;) And I'm up for some exciting adventures, that's why I registered here :) your Penny
If I'm momentarily not online, then...:
Freunde treffen, essen, mit meiner Hündin spazieren
What was the best party I ever attended?:
die kommt hoffentlich bald
What is my favorite Sport?:
Boxen und Motorsport
In which city would I like to live?:
ich bleibe meiner Geburtststadt treu
What is my favorite book?:
Harry Potter
How would a perfect date look like?:
schön Essen und sich super verstehen
What would I love to do at some point?:
eine Reise nach Japan
What would I take to a deserted island?:
meine Hündin
My dream partner looks like...:
das Gesamtpaket muss stimmen
The thing I like most on me...:
meine Tattoos
What are my best qualities?:
Loyalität, Treue und ein großes Herz
Which kind of music do I like the most?:
quer Beet
What's my favorite dish?:
Pizza und Lasagne
What I like most about sex?:
die körperliche Nähe und Zuneigung
What do I dislike about sex?:
My most exciting erotic experience::
das bleibt erstmal mein Geheimnis
What do I wish while having sex?:
da hab ich keine Zeit zum Denken
What do I like to try?:
My favourite sex positions::
ganz klar Doggy
What are my sexual phantasies?:
zu viele ;)
What was my most exceptional sex experience?:
siehe erotischstes Erlebnis ;)
What was my hottest experience?:
das verrate ich nicht
What's my job?:
My relationship status::
What kind of pubic haircut do I have?:
Bikini Cut (triangle)
Where is my cam placed?:
bed room
When and how often am I online?:
Meist am Wochenende, wochentags eher am Abend.
Do I have body jewellery or tattoos?:
heavily tattooed
What do I do in front of the cam?:
chat / flirt, masturbation, striptease
Which characteristics do I have?:
romantic, cheeky, faithful, friendly, crazy, shy, dirty
honest, passionate, tattooed